Q how to Plan MAIO and HSN


 For telecom engineers, it is very help full to know about MAIO. Basically there is a set of frequencies where the channels are hop to avoid interference that set of frequencies is called MA-LIST. suppose MALIST contained frequencies [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L].
Then MAIO corresponds the starting point of hopping sequence. suppose there are four TRx in one sector. then MAIO will be, for example, 0,2,4.
for first TRx for traffic, the MAIO is 0. means that hopping sequence starts from first frequency in the MALIST, that is frequency A. and for MAIO 2 it starts from frequency C and for MAIO 4 it starts from frequency E.

Also HSN (hopping sequence number), ranges from 0 to 63 . if we use HSN as, for example 4 it means that for MAIO 0, the sequence starts from frequency A and repeats frequencies in following manner.

For MAIO 0 and HSN 4

For MAIO 2 and HSN 4

For MAIO 4 and HSN 4

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